Stud Sires

Summit Western Star
It is typical that when you lose a young sire early it is before you get to see the impact that he is having on the herd. We have only truly seen the potential of Western Star in recent years. The heaviest animal we have ever weaned within the herd at 514kg (at 10mo) he is passing this exceptional performance onto his progeny. Out of arguably the best cow in the herd, Madeline B30 (specially selected at Ebony Lodge dispersal sale), who is still producing top quality calves at 13 years of age. Western Star has exceptional length and topline power as his main features. Semen available.

Summit Krump
Krump is all meat. He is super early-maturing, combined with extreme muscling and high milk. He had the best scan for a junior bull we have ever seen, 136sqcm EMA with 7mm P8 fat at 828kgs at only 18 months old. His son, Trump is doing everything he does and more.

Summit Heartbreaker
All you want to do is look at his calves in the paddock! He is by our great Falcon and we firmly believe that he is the most complete son we have bred. This is also because he is out of one of our favourite cows, Miss Sweetie who has bred the house down with every calf and is ridiculously quiet. We thought so much of him we also took him to the Sydney Royal Show in 2011.

Summit Aladdin
Aladdin was an exceptionally early maturing bull with great out-cross genetics. He was used to great success on heifers and like him his progeny all exhibit early growth, exceptional soft muscling and easy doing ability. He died prematurely but is still having a profound influence on the stud.

Summit Top Gun
Top Gun is out of the most influential cow ever in our herd Swallow. His sire Top Grid is a modern easy care Judd Ranch Bull, and we feel his influence in the herd will get stronger and stronger. Such is his all-round appeal. We recently dragged him out of the paddock to win Interbreed Senior Champion Bull 2015 (pictured).

Summit Trump
Trump is out of our most successful show female, Daisy and sired by Krump. He has more growth than his sire and his first line of mated heifers are the best we have ever had.